alpha centauri cheats



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Alpha Centauri cheats


alpha centauri cheats


After starting a game, press Ctrl+K. That will give you access to the Map Editor and Senario commands to alter game play.

Y = Reveal Map

Shift+F1 = Create Unit

Shift+F2 = Technological Discovery

Shift+F3 = Switch sides/set view

Shift+F4 = Change/set energy credits

Shift+F5 = Change Year

Shift+F6 = Kill Opponent

Shift+F7 = View replay

Shift+F8 = View Movies

Shift+F9 = Edit Faction Diplomacy

Click on the menu option and select scenario and you will get a complete listing of all cheats and how to access them in the game.


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #