mirage walkthrough



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Mirage walkthrough


mirage walkthrough

Walkthrough by Crash

This is one of the bizzares adventure game I've ever
played. I still don't understand why they called it
adventure game, 'cause you just walk and see the movie.
There are a few puzzles but they're too easy. Anyway
this is the walkthrough :

Take 4 hidden objects here. They are : letter, canteen,
compass and bullets. Just click on the sand in several
area, just look around and you'll find them. I think they're
used to keep you alive in the desert automatically. Find
an opening into the town of BrotHell. It's a door. Go in

Get the weapon from a recess on the top of the right
door. Read the letter. You can only enter the right door
after you click at Fu's image to hear his wicked word.
Click the control panel to open the right door. The left
door is heading to the Marshall office. Go to right door.

There are 2 exit, Shadow room and down the hallway.
First go to Shadow room. It's to the right. Find out the 3
mirage, the "Dancing Queen". If you enter the elevator
you'll go to Pool room. Don't go there yet. Back to The
Lounge. The upper door will be shut if you go there. To
open it, simply by clicking the panels on your left side, it'll
be flashing. Click the center panel to make it stop.
Repeat this step to other panels. The gate will raise and
now head up to Casino.

You can do many things here, like watch the proto-TV
at the blue screen, click on the pharaoh, the card, or
manipulating the roulette. Get the ankh key from a hidden
place under the left pharaoh. Click on it and take the
key. Now you must manipulating the roulette until it sink
down into the chute. Click on card and left pharaoh to
make the disappeared. Follow them to the chute to the
big VR room. You'll fall down but quickly just get up.

The upper door is to the Calvary office. The right door is
to the Saloon. Read the letter in this VR room first the go
to Saloon.

Outside are signs. Click on them if you like. Go to
Saloon. You'll see that your cursor become a gun sight.
It shows you that you can shoot in this room. Shoot the
mirror and 2 jars on the top of the shelf. It'll reveal a
secret compartment at the bar. Click on bar table to
open it and click again to read a letter. It's a clue. Go left
to Map Room. Click on the map to see your location.
Click on the bright thing to get some bullets. Read the
letter on the chair. It tells you where Jenny about. Exit
right to the Saloon and right again to go outside. Watch a
mirage that unravel the identity of the Marked One.

There are 3 doors. Top left is heading to theatre, top
right to Lava desert, and middle right to fortress of stone
referred by the letter. Go to fortress. Quickly go to the
left. Read the letter on the left. Click on upper window to
hear Jenny's crying. If you have the ankh key, you can
enter the door 'cause the symbol will blink. Go inside.
But, you still miss a clue, so you can go up and rescue
Jenny. Read the letter under the ladder to find out the
clue. Go back to Bordello. Now open the door to

Quickly click on the bottom right brick wall and enter.
Don't waste your bullets by shooting the man. It's no use.
Pull down the screen and click on it to see a past mirage.
That's bizzare. There are 3 exits here. The left door leads
you to study, the middle door to Jail and the right door to
Pool Room. Take the right door to enter the Pool Room.

There 5 chutes with 5 images here. Take the 3rd one
from the top ( the middle one ). You'll arrive at Fu's Den

You'll see an insect flying around. Put it in Fu's nose.
Gotcha !! Click on the letter and the dragons for
mirages. Then enter the door with ankh symbol. Look at
the money. Then burn Fu's room with matches on the
floor. Kaboooom !! After you finish your job, close the
ankh door by clicking on the little tiny dragon in front of
the door. Go to left door. Click at the woman image on
the wall. To leave this room, simply click on the door
and enter.

Click on the pulsating rock then click on the bottom right
corner sand to reveal the toilet. Open it then flush. You'll
see an image and you'll be in the great hall. From here
you must find a way back to jail.

You can leave this room with 2 ways. Go to the upper
door or open the book. The quickest way is open the
book and you'll be at the Mirage Desert. Click on the
center sand to reveal a hole. Enter it exactly when it is
closed to start a journey to Fort Ripple Mirage. After
experiencing the mirage, click again on the sand to reveal
a door. Enter it and take a journey to Mirage Hotel.

Click on the spinning pig to make it stop. Enter the door.
To finish the game just open the center door. You can
explore around the room, but if you do that the route
behind the door will change. So save it first if you want
to look around. The trips end up in a dark room.

Almost finish. Open either the 2 doors will reveal a
secret door located near the bottom of the screen ( the
black one ). Open it the go down to VR Room. >From
here just follow my clue back to jail ( via Saloon,
Bordello and Jail ).
But don't waste your bullets at the saloon this time.

Now you can climb up the ladder and rescue Jenny.
Watch the best part of the game, ending sequence !!!

Notes : You can find another path beside it, but this is
the shortest path. If you do that, you'll find another
mirages and places.


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