twisted metal 2 cheats



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Twisted Metal 2 cheats


twisted metal 2 cheats

God Mode - While playing type in GLORIOUS DIVINE!
Homing Neplium - While playing type in GLORIOUS 2HOT!

Napalm: Right, Left, Up
Freezer: Left, Right, Up
Mine: Left, Down
Rear Attack: Left, Right, Down
Shield: Up, Up, Right
Jump: Up, Up, Left
Invisibility: Right, Down, Left, Up

'gloriousicecream' at select car screen puts in sweet tooth

'gloriousbigboy' at select car screen puts in minion

At the player select screen type these in
L1,up,down,left--- Minion
up,L1,triangle,right--- sweettooth

On two player level select screen press
down,left,R1,down--- Rooftops
up,down,right,R1--- jet moto (swamp)
down,up,L1,R1--- Amazonia

while playing type this in (Hold R1,R2,L1,L2) and press up,down,left,right,right,left,down,up--- God mode

(While holding R2) press up,down,left,right,right,left,down,up


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