Aliens vs Predator
aliens vs predator cheats
Firstly: You must have
the AvP save-game patch installed.
Secondly: Add -lampcxtr -debug to the command line.
ie: "C:\Fox\Aliens Versus Predator" -lampcxtr
Then when in the mission press the tilde (~) key to bring
down the console and then you can type the following codes:
"QUICKSAVE"/"QUICKLOAD" which always
save/load to/from the first save slot.
"SAVE #"/"LOAD #" (# is a number from
1-8) which save/load to/from slot number #. "SAVESLEFT"
displays how many saves the player has remaining in the
current level at the current difficulty. This number is
also displayed any time a game is saved or loaded.
Normal Console Commands and Variables
The following CONSOLE VARIABLES are made available (replace
the # sign with a number), in-game help is available by
typing the "LISTVAR" command at the console:
"MOTIONTRACKERVOLUME" - this is set at its maximum
of 1.0 by default, the volume of the tracker can be reduced
by changing this number (e.g. to 0.75 or0.5).
"CROUCHMODE" - this new console command allows
players to change the Aliens crouch/crawl to a toggle on/off
key by typing "CROUCHMODE 1" at the console. "CROUCHMODE
0" changes back to the default setting.
Debugging Console Commands and Variables
Advanced users may now access some of the game's internal
debugging commands (which include features such as immortality)
by running the game with the command line option "-debug"
(e.g. "AVP.exe -debug").
In this mode Multiplayer is not available, levels will
not be flagged as completed, and no new official cheat modes
will become available. This basically means that players
can examine a level to which they already have access with
invulnerability, infinite weapons, etc. but can't open up
any new game levels or features.
The following CONSOLE COMMANDS are made available by this
option, in-game help is available by typing in "LISTCMD"
at the console:
"GOD" - makes the player immortal: player will
still take damage, but will not die when they reach zero
"GIVEALLWEAPONS" - self-explanatory.
"SHOWFPS" - displays the current frame-rate per
second on-screen.
"SHOWPOLYCOUNT" - displays the number of rendered
polygons per frame on-screen.
"LIGHT" - creates a light source near the player.
Repeated use makes a brighter and brighter light.
"GIMME_CHARGE" - Full Energy for Predator
Bot console commands:
"ALIENBOT" - creates an Alien in front of the
"MARINEBOT #" - creates a Marine (or civilian)
of type #.
"PREDOBOT #" - creates a Predator of type #.
"PREDALIENBOT" - creates a Predator-Alien.
"PRAETORIANBOT" - creates a Praetorian Alien.
"XENOBORG" - creates a Xenoborg.
Note: creating bots may cause crashes and unexpected game
behavior. For a bot to be created its model must exist in
the current level; however, the models may be forced to
be loaded through a command line option. Add "-l"
followed by a list of letters corresponding to the characters
you want to load:
The following CONSOLE VARIABLES are made available (replace
the # sign with a number), in-game help is available by
typing the "LISTVAR" command at the console:
"MOTIONTRACKERSPEED" - allows the player to speed
up/slow down the pulse rate of the Marine's motion tracker
(range from 0-16, default is 1).
"TIMESCALE #" - change the rate at which time
flows in the game, e.g. "TIMESCALE 0.5" will make
time pass at half the normal speed. For those interested,
the "JohnWooMode" cheat uses this effect dynamically,
so that time passes slower the more action is happening
on screen.
"WIREFRAMEMODE #" - display the environment and/or
characters using wireframe graphics.
"DOPPLERSHIFT #" - enable/disable the Doppler
shifting on the Alien player's sounds.
"SKY_RED #" - change the red component in a sky.
"SKY_GREEN #" - change the green component in
a sky.
"SKY_BLUE #" - change the blue component in a
"LEANSCALE #" - change the amount the camera tilts
when side-stepping.
In order to get these cheats you must earn them as described
NAUSEA: The entire screen shakes and moves, causing, well,
nausea. To acquire NAUSEA, you must defeat the second Alien
level, Escape, in less than two minutes.
PIPECLEANER: All characters are shown as pipecleaners,
or as their skeletons. To acquire PIPECLEANER, you must
defeat the third Alien level, Ferarco, with 15 dead civilian
head bites.
MOTIONBLUR: Makes the screen blurry. To acquire MOTIONBLUR,
you must defeat the fourth Alien level, Gateway, in under
four and a half minutes with an average speed of 9 m/s or
MIRROR: Mirrors your display of the level. To acquire MIRROR,
you must defeat the fifth Alien level, Earthbound, with
one live Predator head bite.
JOHNWOOMODE: When you attack or are attacked, the game
slows down. To acquire JOHNWOOMODE, you must defeat the
first Marine level, Derelict, with 80 percent head shots.
GRENADE: Stocks your Pulse Rifle with 99 grenades (but
no bullets). To acquire GRENADE, you must defeat the second
Marine level, Colony, with 40 percent accuracy.
WARPSPEED: Run very fast. To acquire WARPSPEED, you must
defeat the third Marine level, Invasion, in less than four
LANDOFTHEGIANTS: Makes you very small. To acquire LANDOFTHEGIANTS,
you must defeat the fourth Marine level, Orbital, using
less than 20 shots.
SLUGTRAIL: Causes all Aliens to crawl on the floor because
they have no legs. To acquire SLUGTRAIL, you must defeat
the fifth Marine level, Tyrargo, with 32 Alien kills.
SUPERGORE: Ups the level of blood and gore. To acquire
SUPERGORE, you must defeat the second Predator level, Area
52, with 25 marine trophies.
BALLSOFFIRE: Enemies are always on fire. To acquire BALLSOFFIRE,
you must defeat the fourth Predator level, Fury 161, with
40 Alien kills.
RAINBOWBLOOD: Causes the lights, smoke and blood effects
to be rainbows. To acquire RAINBOWBLOOD, you must defeat
the fifth Predator level, Caverns, and be spotted less than
15 times.
IMPOSSIBLEMISSION: Causes the game to be more difficult
because you take more damage. To acquire IMPOSSIBLEMISSION,
you must defeat the second Alien bonus level with 20 live
marine head bites.
TICKERTAPE: Aliens all have a trail following them. To
acquire TICKERTAPE, you must defeat the first Predator bonus
level, Invasion, with 15 alien trophies.
TRIPTASTIC: Causes the screen to be blurry, jittering,
and rainbow. To acquire TRIPTASTIC, you must defeat the
second Predator bonus level, Escape, with 10 civilian trophies.
PIGSTICKING: Gives the Predator's Spear gun unlimited ammo
and multifire. To acquire PIGSTICKING, you must defeat the
first Predator level, Waterfall, with 80 percent accuracy.
SNIPERMUNCH: Alien gains long-distance jaw attack. To acquire
the SNIPERMUNCH, you must defeat the first Alien level,
Temple, and score 10 live civilian head bites.
Infinite Grenades in Co-Op Mode
Start a Co-Op game on a level of your choice. Choose Marine-Grenade
as your class. You have three classes of grenades: Normal,
Frag, and Proximity Mine. Shoot off all rounds of your two
least favorite types. After all of two types of grenades
have been fired off, fire off all of your favorite type
of grenade.
After you are completely out of grenade ammo, press the
button you have set as secondary fire. You should now have
a just about infinite amount of your favorite type of grenades.