Arcade America cheats
arcade america cheats
Press [Esc] to bring up
the exit options screen. Then type 7TH,
followed by these codes and [Enter]. If Joey says 'Uh, oh',
you've entered the code incorrectly. If Joey says 'COOL',
you've entered the code correctly. Click on 'No Way' to
to the game.
ANGEL - One extra live
MAKEAWISH - Ten extra lives
ILOVEJOEY - 50 extra lives
GIMMEAMMO - Ten extra bullets
BLASTEM - 100 extra bullets
GOLDENGUN - 500 extra bullets
OMNIJOEY - Invulnerability
URHOPELESS - Get special item
FATBOYCANTJUMP - Enable fly mode
HALEJOEY - Restore full health
WARP2SINNERS - Warp to Alcatraz
WARP2SLOTS - Warp to Las Vegas
WARP2GORGE - Warp to Grand Canyon
WARP2FACES - Warp to Mt. Rushmore
WARP2MUDPIT - Warp to Oklahoma
WARP2GUNFIGHT - Warp to Alamo
WARP2DOLLS - Warp to Mardi Gras
WARP2RESORT - Warp to Miami
WARP2WHOUSE - Warp to Washington D.C.
WARP2THEAPPLE - Warp to New York
WARP2WBOGUS - Warp to Woodstock (no goons)
WARP2WLATE - Warp to Woodstock (too late)
WARP2WCOOL - Warp to Woodstock (success)
ROAD2SLOTS - Road to Las Vegas
ROAD2GORGE - Road to Grand Canyon
ROAD2FACES - Road to Mt. Rushmore
ROAD2MUDPIT - Road to Oklahoma
ROAD2GUNFIGHT - Road to Alamo
ROAD2DOLLS - Road to Mardi Gras
ROAD2RESORT - Road to Miami
ROAD2WHOUSE - Road to Washington D.C.
ROAD2THEAPPLE - Road to New York
ROAD2THEGIG - Road to Woodstock
GIMMETIME - Set location time to 10 min.
NOSCORE - Set score to 0
NOTIME - Set location time to 30 sec.
NOBULLETS - Set bullets to 0
NOHEALTH - Set health to 1/4
TOGGLEWIGGLE - Toggle pull item wiggle
MAVERICK - Toggle shoot down
IMAGONER - Set to last life, 1/4 health