Asheron's Call cheats
asheron's call cheats
Easter eggs:
Type the following codes during gameplay to make your character
do the following crazy actions.
*ATOYOT* - character jumps and freezes like the
actors in the old Toyota commercials.
*YMCA* - character's hands sparkle, character does
The Village People's "YMCA" dance, and leaves
a sparkling trail behind as it moves through game world.
*TEAPOT* - character does the "I'm a little
teapot" song.
*SNOWANGEL* - character makes a snow angel.
*MOCK* - character will point and laugh.
*AKIMBO* - character will put hands on hip and laugh.
Coordinates to 'Hunter's Leap'
35.7N, 32.6E
Contains 'Lillitha's Bow'
Coordinates to 'The Halls Of the Helm'
18.7N, 1.6E
Contains the 'Superior Helm' and 'Fiery Shield'