championship manager 97, 98 cheats
To get any player free: Go to the transfer list type
in cow, then find the player you want and offer no money
he will join.
If you want to be manager of the international teams
without having to work so hard, first go to the squad
details screen , choose "General Info" and find
out who the manager is. This will only Work if you are
managing a team in the country you want to manage. Once
you know who the manager is, add a manager of the country
that you want, and type in the proper manager's name as
your name. For England, this would be "Glenn Hoddle".
It will now let you manage that international team.
Recommended players in 97/98:
Zora Djorovic
Jeppe Tengbjerg
Stale Solbakken
Luigi Sartor
Ronnie Svensson
Mikkel Bo Jensen
Ole Tobiasen