congo cheats
Directions through Maze: are
(North, West, North, East, East, East, North, West, West,
North, North.)
(Congo) After Maze: And Ending.
Before you start, take pictures of all inscriptions you
see on the walls as you explore the inner city.
We will call this room (Starting Point)
there are 5 openings in front of you, I will Number them
from left to right (1=left opening), (2=left hole), (3=center
opening), (4=right hole), (5=right opening).
Go into opening#1 In that room there will be a lever set
at (west)
position (don't touch it yet) turn until you find another
path, take it.
Next room:
You will find 3 buttons on the wall, from left to right,
push #1, #3, #2 in this order, turn around you will see
a bridge, cross it.
Next room:
There is another lever set at (east) position, move this
lever to the (west) position. Go back to the starting
Go into hole#2, you will half to find your own way to
get to the room with the bones (Try different directions
until you find it)
Once there take the bone, exit the room by placing your
hand on the Ice pedestal. You will be in the room with
the bridge.
Cross the bridge again, move the lever to the (east) position,
exit the room, then exit the next room, you should be
in the room with the first lever, I told you not to touch,
move this lever now to the (east) position, exit the room
go back to starting point.
Go in to hole#2 Again find your own way to the new room,
with yet another lever, that is broken, use the bone on
the lever, then move the lever to the (west) position,
exit the room, go back to the starting point.
Opening #3 (center):
Go into #3 opening, turn till you see the bars, click
on the bars, Get Amy's backpack, exit bars turn and go
down the stairs.
Circle room:
Move room so you can get to gong room, enter gong room
turn right
(do this fast) touch gong turn right, enter circle room
turn to face gong room, when you see the (Beast) put your
hand on the Ice pedestal and click mouse, it will cut
his arms off, pick up arm.(Use beast arm to open door
with Ice pedestal with Beast HandPrint)
You will find one picture that the Comp. can't read or
have no information to give you. (Critical-find this drawing
in your Comp. and( Draw it on paper), it will have a cross
in each corner pointing in different directions, A sun
at the top center, an eye in the center, and waves at
the left, bottom, and right) You will need this later
in the game. Go back to starting point.
Go into #4 hole, find the room with the bars on the wall
and a lever to open bars (don't open the bars) instead
put Amy's backpack on handle(lever) next to bars, then
exit room.
Amy's Room:
turn around till you see Amy, (do this fast) touch Amy,
she will speak turn around until you see bars, touch handle(lever),
bars will open, go through the opening.
New Rooms:
(There is nothing you can do in these next 3 rooms you
will encounter but get killed, this will happen 3 times
until you are safe)
This is what you do, turn around look at Amy, look at
her long enough to find out what room is safe to go into,(Two
thumbs up) is the opening to go into, go into the safe
opening, do this 3 times.
Room with Raft, lighter, glasses:
Take all, exit room, go back to starting point.
Go into #1 opening, First lever, move lever to (west)
position, exit room, go back to starting point.
Go into #2 hole (Try these directions West, East, West
if this don't work try different directions till you get
to the new room.
Room with Laser, Explosives, etc:
Take all, use explosives with keypads on wall. Next you
will end up back in the gong room, turn around, pick up
stone disk, turn right, go through the opening that reads
(the tears of the gods)
Room with water:
Use raft, get on raft, use stone disk with wall, go down
the canal, (look at your glasses in your inventory while
you are moving, you will hear a sound of a bat that will
break the glasses, You will need to record that sound.)
When the raft stops turn left, you will see 2 bats upper
left screen, touch both bats, record the sound you heard
that broke the glasses (check your Comp. to see it has
been recorded.) turn right, go forward twice.
Room with more water:
Use raft, get on raft, turn right, take stalactite hanging
from cave,(lower right screen) turn right, go forward,
turn right, Red (X) on wall, use stalactite with Red (X)
on wall (Important Pick up rock or check inventory for
rock (burnt Stalactite))
Lava will flow into next room, turn right twice.
Gas is coming up from the crack's on the ground, there
is an opening there, a beast is hiding in there, use lighter
on gas crack's, turn left, go forward.
Room with no water:
There is a box pedestal here; use beast arm on handprint.
Box Puzzle:
you will half to do this on your own, Just keep trying
you will get it. (Remember the picture diagram I told
you to draw this is what the box puzzle should look like)
after the puzzle go forward.
Diamond Room:
Use recording of bat on big Diamond, pick up diamond,
turn around, exit room.
Lava Room:
You might half to do this a few times until you find the
right pattern out, look at the first row of rocks the
one with no smoke coming up from it ti the one to jump
on. (note: write it down on paper) keep doing this till
you get across.
Note: (SAVE YOUR GAME AT THIS POINT) don't save over this
save game, there is two different endings. I will show
both of them. There is only one way out go that way until
you find the helicopter.
Put diamond into case, (do this fast) after conformation
remove diamond, put diamond in Laser, then put rock in
case, after video use Laser on helicopter. You win but
you still Die.
Restore Game:
Do the same thing, but don't shoot the helicopter, instead
aim the Laser at the top right section of the screen (SKY)
move the cross hair around till you hear a steady sound.
When you hear the sound fire the Laser (click mouse) you
just shot down the Comp. Satellite in space. End Game.
You Win
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