crown of venus cheats
I've tried to offer a few general hints based on questions
received from players.
Two NPC's are offered. It is a good idea to let both
join the party. The extra help is handy and they will
provide minor amusement.
If you are ever given a chance to help a dragon, do so,
or you will miss a challenge dungeon and end story.
Save games frequently and at different spots. This way
if given choices you can see what would have happened
if you made other choices (ie. some of the deaths can
be interesting!)
Remember to adjust the game level from the camp menu
if play is too easy or too hard.
Rest is frequently but not always obviously available.
The NPC's help.
You need to get a key AND help someone in the park. Then
go to the mayor.
In the second mayor's yard find a NPC and a key.
Tower in far lower left of map, blocked from above. Need
key lying on the floor in the last room on the lowest
level. Look around. Need item lying on floor in open upper
level of tower. Look around. The only difficult maze is
the uppermost level. Pay attention where you are going.
Use "Look" with teleporters.
Go to the sanitarium/hospital when appropriate. The seer
is northeast on the map. Afterwards look by the sea.
Help the dragon. This will allow you to play a challenge
dungeon when you finish. Find it in the green swamp all
the way west.
If you need any specific help or have comments or questions,
you can reach me at 71500,1536 - Frank.