enemy infestation cheats
To enter the in-game cheat mode at any time, type any
code as you play (it wont work if the game is paused).
Then hit Enter. If it doesnt seem to work, try them
again. Type them carefully when you have colonists selected:
Pressing certain letters can cause a selected colonist
to initiate a behavior trait (for example, pressing F
gives the Flee command).
Heal your guys:
gsaheal - Heals all colonists (not terminated) back to
full health.
Look into all rooms:
gsaroof - Removes all roofs (takes awhile) so you can
see into rooms.
Kill the aliens:
gsaswap - Swaps sides (allows you to control aliens);
use following the kill cheat to eliminate selected aliens.
gsakill - Kills selected characters (your own, or swaps,
selects, and kills aliens).
gsastop - Stops both aliens and colonists from acting,
causing them to just stand around; type it again to toggle
it off.
More Weapons:
gsabog - Creates a BOG weapon at the cursor that when
you pick it up gives you extra defense and lets you lock
gsaknife - Creates a KNIFE weapon at the cursor that when
you pick it up makes you invisible to aliens (they won't
go for you when they would normally see you).
More guys:
gsacmdr - Creates a commander at the cursor.
gsamedi - Creates a medical officer at the cursor.
gsaboff - Creates a technician (boffin) at the cursor.
Win and move on:
gsawin - Wins the level no matter what (so you can continue
to the next).