freedom force cheats



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Freedom Force cheats


freedom force cheats

Prestige Cheat:
Find the INIT.PY file and open it with Notepad.
Type the following, then save.

import ff

Start the game and go to the database screen.
Once there, type Shift + ~ and a debug menu pops out.
Type in Campaign_AddPrestige(9000000) and you will
have 9 mil of Prestige.

If this don't work type before:
import ff
and use

ff.God() God mode for all characters.
ff.Peace() Enemies won't attack.
ff.Mission_Win() Win the current mission.
DEBUG_ALLPOWERS=1 Make your characters have all the
special powers with the max power and experience.
(You lost this status when the mission is finished)
(if not work use ff.DEBUG_ALLPOWERS=1)


65K Prestige Points:
Hexedit your save game; go to locations 1068 1069 106C 106D.
Change the values to FF. You now have 65k prestige points.
There is a method to modify the .hero save files to change
hero stats, but the prestige is figured dynamically, so
there is no point.

freedom force cheats end


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