frontier cheats
Brilliant trading route which is totaly safe!
1: Go to sol (system)
2: Sell all equipment except for autopilot nav computer
and atmospheric shielding
3: Buy enough fuel for a trip to Bernards star (near Sol)
4: Fill up remaining cargo space with luxury goods
5: Hyperspace to Bernards star
6: Go to a station (use miller depot)
7: Sell all luxury goods
8: Buy enough fuel for a trip back to Sol
9: Fill up remaining space on Robots or Computers
10: Hyperspace to Sol
11: sell Robots or Computers for huge profit (look on
bulletin board for special buyers)
12: repeat until very rich
frontier 2 cheats
For extra $:
Buy extra passenger cabins, go to bulletin board and
accept passengers. Then, try to buy another ship. It will
be refused, but the difference in price between your ship
will be given to you - so try to buy a cheaper ship!
To warp further than possible with Hyberdrive: Choose
a system really far from you with Shift-cursor keys. You'll
be indicated: nn tons required", "Out of range",
"nn tons required". Now warp to where you really
wanted to go, using same trick, and warp again.