madden 97 cheats
Hidden teams:
At the user records type "tiburon" or Hiscore"
to enable some new teams.
after a td pick special teams and the stop clock right
play after you hike the ball quickly run the ball to the
right to the sideline without going out of bounse and
run in for the 2 point convirsion as soon as the ref.
moves quickly push x and he will throw the ball if the
ref. catches it it will say interseption and you will
get the kickoff, but if it says incomplete keep trying.
If it says interseption and you get the kickoff you will
still get the points for the td.
madden 98 cheats
Enter these codes while playing.
LEECH - better defensive back
GLOVES - better catching
BIGFOOT - better kicking
JACKHAMMER - better stiff arm
Get extra stadiums:
Enter these codes while playing.
JETSONS - Astrodomeold Oilers
DAWGPOUND - Cleveland Browns stadium
SNAKE - old Oakland stadium
DANDAMAN - old Miami Dolphins stadium
OLDDC RFK - Stadium old Redskins
SHARKSFIN - Tiburon Sports Complex
GHOST TOWN - Wild West late 1800s Texas
Get extra teams:
Enter these codes while playing.
ORRS HEROES - EA Sports team
LOIN CLOTH - Tiburon EA team
LEADERS - all-time leaders
COACH - all-time, all-Madden team
PAC ATTACK - all-60s team
STEEL CURTAIN - all-70s team
GOLD RUSH - all-80s team