Need For Speed 4: High Stakes cheats



A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


Need For Speed 4: High Stakes cheats


Need For Speed 4: High Stakes cheats
Just Type Anywhere In The Menu:
TP 00-15  Drive As Traffic Cars (Arcade)
ACAR    Bonus Car
BCAR   Bonus Car
CCAR   Bonus Car
DCOP   Bonus Hot Pursuit Car
ECOP   Bonus Hot Pursuit Car
FCOP   Bonus Hot Pursuit Car
CARS   All Cars
TRACKS   All Tracks
GOFAST   Upgrade Engine (Arcade)
MONKEY   Upgrade Automatic Transmission (Arcade)
MOON   Low Gravity (Arcade)
MADLAND   Super Human Opponents (Arcade)
BUY   Free Purchase (Career)
UP0   No Upgrades (Career)
UP1   1st Upgrade (Career)
UP2   2nd Upgrade (Career)
UP3   3rd Upgrade (Career)
GATES   Cash Increase (Career)
ALLTIERS  Open All Tiers
RESETYA   ????
Use any HEX editor to edit the file called PLAYERS.CDB which is located in the
installed directory of Need for Speed 4 : High Stakes.
Normally the PLAYERS.CDB file is located in :
"C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\Need For Speed High Stakes\SaveData\DB"
Then go to offset 3E and put FF as HEX value.
Go to offset 3F and put 55 as the HEX value.
Now you'll get more than $3500000000!

Need For Speed 4: High Stakes cheats


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #