raptor cheats
+ Customer Cheat - The backspace key will restore all
your energy and give you a death ray, at the cost of all
your money. This will only work in the registered version.
+ Warp - There is a level warp built into the game, so
you can see any level you want at any time. What you need
to do is to get to the screen where you see the level
selection (Bravo Sector, etc...). The warp combination
is a 2 key entry. The keys are not to be pressed at the
same time. Note that you cannot use the level warp unless
debug mode (see above) is active.
Key 1 - Z, X, or Y (Z is Episode 1, X is Episode 2, and
Y is Episode 3)
Key 2 - Any key between Q and O on the keyboard. Q is
Level 1, and O is Level 9.
This works in both the shareware and registered versions.
Note that if you try and warp to a registered episode
from the shareware version, it will crash the game.