rise of the triad cheats
You must type DIPSTICK to enable the cheat codes
TOOSAD = Invulnerability.
CHOJIN = Woundless.
GOTO = Level select.
SIXTOYS = Gives you useful items.
FLYBOY = Allows you to fly.
BADTRIP = Magic Mushroom Time.
BOING = Elasto Mode.
GOOBERS = Restart level.
WHACK = Ouch.
SPEED = Auto run.
PANIC = Restore yourself to normal.
DIMON = Light diminishing ON.
DIMOFF = Light diminishing OFF.
GOARCH = Teleport straight to level end.
GOTA386 = I've got a 386.
SHOOTME = Bullet-proof armour.
BURNME = Fire-proof armour.
LUNGDUNG = Gives you the Gas Mask.
HUNTPACK = Outfit player.
86ME = I've got an 8086.
REEN = Re-enter level.
JOHNWOO = Gives you Dual pistols.
PLUGEM = Gives you the MP40 gun.
VANILLA = Gives you the Bazooka gun.
HOTTIMES = Gives you the Heat seeker gun.
BOOZE = Gives you the Drunk missile gun.
FIREBOMB = Gives you the Fire-bomb gun.
BONES = Gives you the Flame wall gun.
SEEYA = Hand Of God.
RIDE = Ride those missiles.
WHERE = Where the hell am I.
RECORD = Record a DEMO.
STOP = Stop recording DEMO.
PLAY = Play a DEMO.
Rise of the Triad
If you speak Latin, listen to El Oscuro (the final boss).
If not, most of the things he says are "I'll kill
you" and stuff like that. However, one of the things
he says is "Eat your veggies!", as a reference
to DopeFish. Eat Your Veggies is the title of the music
of the level where DopeFish appears. The "Eat Your
Veggies" sentence is the one beginning with "Comedi..."
(obtained from the Apogee FAQ)
Also, the first level in the Rejected ROTT Levels collection
(available from the Apogee website and varius other places)
is titled "Use the Fish" (another reference
to DopeFish). The reason?? When the Apogee staff sent
a message to Id asking to include the DopeFish as a cameo
character, the reply was "Use The Fish". Also,
look at the map while playing. You'll see that the map
is essentially the DopeFish, you're playing inside! (reason
for title obtained from the Apogee FAQ)
If you start ROTT when your system clock indicates that
it's one of five different holidays, the "group picture"
of the five main characters is changed slightly. In addition,
on Christmas, the music for the first level is changed
to a familiar Christmas tune. The holidays and effects
are as follows:
Easter <varies> Lorelei Ni wears Easter Bunny ears.
Cinco de Mayo 05/05 Ian wears a sombrero.
Independence Day 07/04 Doug holds an American flag.
Halloween 10/31 Thi wears a witch's hat.
Christmas 12/24 Taradino wears a Santa Claus hat; new
12/25 for the first level.
Also, there's a way to get all five "holiday hats"
in Rise of the Triad to show up on the screen at the same
time. If you finish the game the right way, and destroy
all the larvae in the last level, watch ALL the credits
(takes several minutes). You'll get to a screen that says
"The HUNT is victorious.
The End." Do nothing. Let it sit there for about
a minute or two, and you'll get another "The End"
screen where all five "holiday hats" are shown
at once. (obtained from the Apogee FAQ)
In the secret level "Eight Ways To Hell" (episode
3, area 8), designed by Joe Siegler (a noted and revered
Dopefish follower), there's a hidden area about half way
through the level. It's a long, narrow hallway with boulders
running down the middle and elasto-modes on the sides.
There's a touchplate at the beginning of the hallway which,
when triggered, will open up a secret room. The gray walls
in the middle of the secret room spell a message written
in the Commander Keen language. Look at all the gray walls
from all angles, or use the \MAP cheat. Then look at the
map to see the letters. Translated, it says, "Dopefish
Lives!"(obtained from the Apogee FAQ)
It's hard to see, but there's a license plate on the
back of the NME (the boss in episode 3). It looks like
a Texas license plate that says "Spray." (Spray
is the NME's nickname, given by the ROTT developement
Starting the game with "rott dopefish" (no
caps) will put you into DopeFish mode. This makes Scott's
mystical head appear on the intro screen. Lee Jackson's
musical composition "Fish Polka" will play.
Joe Siegler will burp Also, when you move around the menu,
Tom Hall will say "O", "K" or "Boy!".
The level names are also changed (not on the level warp
screen, on the screen when you're entering the level).
In a secret area of a level (sorry we're not telling
where), you can find "Scott's mystical head".
This is a pic of a shocked Scott Miller and it's worth
tons of points.
Krist's chair is actually a comfy chair. The controls
on it are actually office staplers, although you can't
see that.
Taken from:
IceBeagle & Domen's Cameo and Easter Egg List version