Sid Meire's Alpha Centauri
sid meire's alpha centauri
While playing a game,
press [Ctrl] + K to enter the map editor. Then, enter one
of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat
Cheat Code Result
[Shift] + [F2] Discover technology
[Shift] + [F5] Change year
[Shift] + [F6] Kill opponent
[Shift] + [F1] Create unit
[Shift] + [F8] View FMV sequences
Y Full map
[Shift] + [F4] Edit energy credits
[Shift] + [F7] View replay
[Shift] + [F3] Switch sides and reset view
[Shift] + [F9] Edit faction diplomacy
How to get all technologies without 'CHEATED' appearing
on the game score.
[This also works with Alpha Centauri Demo and Alpha Centauri
Alien Crossfire]
Example for University Faction.
Open the directory in which Alpha Centauri is installed.
(eg: c:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri\)
Open the file entitled 'univ.txt'. You may wish to back
this file up first. Since the game reads faction properties
from this file, you can edit bonuses.
After the information lines, the original file reads:
University of Planet, The Scientist, University, M, 1, Zakharov,
M, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, TECH, InfNet, TECH, 1, SOCIAL, ++RESEARCH,
SOCIAL, --PROBE, DRONE, 4, FACILITY, 8 Values, Knowledge,
Note the numeral after the second TECH. The University
faction, by default, receives 1 bonus technology at the
start of the game. If you change this number, you receive
that number of bonus techs at the start of the game [This
cheat will only work at the start of the game.] If you change
the number to say, 36, then you will get thirty-six techs.
To do this, change the code to:
University of Planet, The Scientist, University, M, 1, Zakharov,
M, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, TECH, InfNet, TECH, 36, SOCIAL, ++RESEARCH,
SOCIAL, --PROBE, DRONE, 4, FACILITY, 8 Values, Knowledge,
If you are using the demo version of Alpha Centauri, I
recommend that you don't set the number higher than 34,
as you need to discover at least one technology normally
in order for you to get the automatically constructed units.
[The Demo can only go up to Tech Level 6]
This file also contains the society bonuses and properties.
Note the ++RESEARCH on the second line. This indicates the
University's +2 bonus in research. If you change this to
+++++RESEARCH, then your society gets a +5 research bonus.
In the same manner, --PROBE is the -2 Probe Team Infiltration
property. If you change this to ++PROBE, then your society
is hardened by [I think] 20% against probe team infiltration.
I'm not sure about the other parameters. Experiment with
To check the changes, go into the game, and start a new
game. When a unit is ready to move, press E. This brings
up the society model window, which shows the bonuses here.
[Research, Infiltration, etc.]