Star Wars: Force Commander
star wars: force commander
Unlimited Command Points
In the select player screen, create a new player with the
name "TheGalaxyIsYours". Double click on the name
instead of clicking once and pressing the blue arrow. Then
during the game you just need to press "M" for
500 command points! You can press it as much as you need.
The only downside to this cheat is that you can't apply
it to players you have already created.
Access All Missions
In the select player screen, create a new player with the
name "TheWorldIsYours". Double click on the name
instead of clicking once and pressing the blue arrow.
Spawn Units
To spawn units without having to wait for the drop ship,
follow these steps:
1. Press [CTRL] + 0 after entering the "TheGalaxyIsYours"
2. Up or Down arrow scroll through units to spawn.
3. LEFT arrow spawns that unit (magically drops unit with
a drop ship or the wait).
4. Shift UP or DOWN changes team of spawned unit.
Other Cheat Codes (can be used AFTER the "TheGalaxyIsYours"
cheat is activated):
Code Result
[SHIFT] + M 500 Command Points and Order Any Unit
[CTRL] + W Win the Mission
[CTRL] + 8 Show Active Units
[CTRL] + [SHIFT] + 8 Show All Units
[CTRL] + 9 Remove Fog of War
NumLock + [*] (on keypad) 999999 Life for Unit
Faster Patient Walking
Click on "Release Patient" when an Imperial vehicle
is being healed on the repair bay. It will walk away faster.
Double Unit
If a unit carrier gets destroyed, remove the unit at the
same time it explodes. If done correctly, that unit will
be doubled.
Pod Racer Appearance
Complete the second objective in the third training mission
(destroy the buildings at the Jawa camp) and two pod racers
will start racing around.
Destroy Enemy Units
When in "[CTRL] + 0" mode, click on an enemy unit
and press delete... the unit is destroyed just like your
own units are when you press delete.