Starship Titanic cheats
starship titanic cheats
Give the Parrot His Pistachios
Go to the parrot room and feed the parrot to the suc-u-bus.
Then, go to your 2nd class room, use the personal suc-u-bus
located by the door, and press "Receive". Take
tube and open it. If done correctly the parrot will eat
all the pistachios and give you a piece of Titania.
Second Class Upgrade
Go find your room, then open up the bed ,desk, drawer, the
"toilet drawer", but not the toilet and T.V. Click
on your bed again and turn the channels until a screen appears
with Marsinta's (desbot's) voice. After that, go to the
sucking guy outside of your room. He will say that he has
something for you and give you a magazine. Go directly to
the deskbot and give her the magazine. You should now get
upgraded to Second Class. Once upgraded to Second Class,
you may now go to new places by going to the right side
of the top of the well and activating the elevator.
First Class Upgrade
Go to the well and enter the door that cannot be accessed
in third class. There should be a group of glass sculptures
here. Walk around them until you find a switch. The glass
will break. The Desk Bot will now be in a good mood and
will give you an upgrade.
Get the Blue Chip
Go to the room with the parrot and grab it. Feed it to the
Succ-U-Bus. Go to the mother Succ-U-Bus and click on "Receive".
She will sneeze out a guy with the blue chip to Titania's
Get Titania's Eye
Go to the elevator and ask to go to the bottom of the well.
Go down there and look around the floor in the middle of
the area and find an elevator bot's head. Go up to the top
of the well and find the elevator bot with no head. Put
the head on the bot and it will be replaced with Titania's
Get Titainia's Nose
Go to the arboretum. Get the hose near the Suc-U-Bus. Go
to the Parrot room. Attach the hose to the light near the
Suc-U-Bus. Attach the other end to the Suc-U-Bus. He will
blow her nose out of the light.
Get the Crushed Television
Go to the Parrot room and summon the Bell Bot. Tell him
to "Throw the TV". He will throw it to the bottom
of the well. Go down and get it.