Super Street Fighter
2 Turbo cheats
super street fighter 2
turbo cheats
From the character selection
screen start the game with the punch button, then choose
the turbo setting with the same button. The cursor should
be pointing at Ryu. Leave it there for two to four seconds
them move right to T-Hawk and leave it there for the same
amount of time. Now, move left to Guile and let the cursor
stay there for two to four seconds. Move the cursor to Cammy,
moving over Dhalsim, then leave it there for a few seconds.
Then move back to Ryu by moving the cursor all the way to
the left to Ken and then up to Ryu. Leave the cursor on
Ryu for two to four seconds and start the game by pressing
all three punch buttons on the Phantom 2 controller, both
punch buttons on the Gravis gamepad, or all three punch
buttons on the keyboard. Remember, practice makes perfect!