terra nova walkthrough
Here it is, straight from the secret headquarters of
Strike Force Centauri
-- and Looking Glass technologies -- mission walk throughs
for Terra Nova.
Mission 1:
The base is only a few seconds walk to the north-west
of the drop point.
Once you land, circle way around the base to the northeast
and come at it
from the north. There is a third pirate in this mission,
which you will
encounter alone to the north. After you have defeated
that first pirate,
use the hills and valleys throughout the area to engage
the enemy without
getting too close.
Mission 2 :
After the drop head north and kill the two pirates by
the lookout station.
Walker will be following you by default, and will attack
any pirates she's
close enough to shoot. There is a single pirate patrolling
between the
southern edges of the two locks. Wait for it to reach
the west lock, and
kill it from a distance. Move out onto the west lock and
kill the three
pirates there as quickly as possible. Then go back south,
and sweep north
up the east lock, where there is another group of two
pirates. Don't try to
cross the water to fight them, even if they're firing
on you. Lastly, there
is a trio of pirates waiting by the concrete enclosure
above the west lock.
Don't engage them inside the enclosure, since the cargo
there might get
destroyed by stray fire. Once those pirates are dead,
the mission will end.
Mission 3:
Approach the base from the northwest, by going around
the lakes to the
north. Use your EM emitters constantly to avoid the perimeter
guards There
is a good hill about 210 meters northwest of the pirate
base. Station
yourself there, and zoom you view in on the base as much
as you can. The
crates will be on the ground in plain view...move your
cursor over the
objects at the base until you find one labeled as a crate.
Right-click on
it to get ID lock. Once you have locked onto the crate,
you can back away.
The ID lock will transmit, even if you put a hill between
you and the
crate. Once the target ID is confirmed by the dropship
pilot, head
east/northeast for 10-15 seconds before cutting south
toward the pickup
point. If you cut across to the pickup, you may be visually
spotted by the
Mission 4:
Go south and then west from the drop point, and intercept
the enemy below
the location marked "intercept point," where
the road bends. This way you
can avoid the pair of pirates that is patrolling in the
woods on the way to
the marked intercept point. There is a patrol of 5 guards
at the bend,
waiting for the trucks. If you don't take these guards
out first, you'll
end up fighting the truck escorts and the reinforcements
The trucks are accompanied by 6 pirates as an escort.
Make sure during the
fight that you are target locked on pirates, and not on
the trucks.
Mission 5:
First, head straight south down the road. There is a
pair of pirates at the
intersection which you should bomb with grenades. Then
give your squadmates
a "follow this path" order to go around the
blockade area and come in from
the northeast side. As they move, you should sneak to
within range (but out
of sight) of the six enemies at the blockade region. Use
the hills for
cover. When your squadmates begin attacking, lay down
a barrage of grenade
fire. If you take a demolitions specialist on the mission,
you can then
place a demolition charge on the road once you've removed
the main body of
pirates. Six reinforcements will be arriving up the road
from the south. If
you're quick, you can detonate the charges just as they
pass over,
eliminating them quickly and easily. Otherwise, set your
squadmates to
aggressive attack mode and send them down the road to
attack. There are
only six more pirates down the road, three on the west
side and three on
the east.
Mission 6 :
Deploy your squadmates in a fan, sending them both eastward,
one along the
hills to the north and the other to the south. They will
take out five of
the six perimeter sentries as they pass. They can then
be ordered to go to
the base as you move in along the road. The base itself
contains five
pirates, and the two small turrets. The base is a good
place to use the
grenade launcher since the pirates there will tend to
stay near one
another. The turrets are stationary and make the best
targets for your
grenades. Take them out from a distance, before you attack
the pirates.
Mission 7:
The lost soldier is located 15 meters north of the small
lake in the search
region. Run to the northwest and come into the search
area from the west.
Most of the enemies are moving south first and you should
be able to avoid
them. Move quickly, since if you take too much time, the
enemy patrol to
the south will make it to Colin before you do. As soon
as Colin appears on
your map, give your repair specialist the "repair
SFC PBA" command and your
electronics specialist the "Reboot PBA" command.
Once Colin appears in your
left MFD, head straight back to the pickup. There will
be a squad of
pirates waiting for you there. Remember that you can afford
to lose your
two main squadmates in an attack, but not Colin, so keep
him toward the
back of the combat. Don't panic if the dropship is forced
to abort before
you can get there. Eliminate the pirates and call the
ship back in. If
there are no enemies in the area, he'll come right back.
He may even come
Mission 8:
There are two turrets guarding the bridge across the
chasm. Destroy them
from long range with a particle beam, then head down the
road to the base.
>From the time you are first detected by the pirates,
you have 45 seconds
before the transport ship takes off. After you cross the
northern lip of
the bowl which contains the pirate base, head straight
in until you are
within grenade range of the ship. Let your squadmates
engage the enemy,
while you concentrate your grenade fire on the transport.
If it starts to
fly away, switch to a the particle beam and keep firing,
since you still
have the chance to knock it out of the air. Once the transport
destroyed, help your squadmates take out the rest of the
enemies. Given the
physical layout of the base, very little can be done about
deploying your
squadmates to flank. Go at this one straight on, use the
buildings as cover
and keep your squadmates tight. Once your objectives are
complete, there
will still be three more pirates waiting in ambush between
the base and the
pickup point.
Mission 9:
Take a position in the hills to the north/northeast of
the docks and stay
there. Wait for the trucks to come. When they are in position,
attack them
with grenades or particle beams from as long range as
possible. Do not
attempt to get in too close or you'll get surrounded.
Wait in the hills at
the mouth of the dock area for the enemy. Keep to the
high ground and let
the enemy come to you. Take a Recon specialist along,
to give you good
advance warning of incoming enemies. There are six pirates
escorting the
trucks, and a total of 12 more will come in from the islands.
Stay out of
the water and don't try to chase them.
Mission 10:
Equip your squadmates and yourself with scout suits,
since speed is vital.
Send your squadmates to the edge of the dark strip which
appears on your
navigation map directly below the "Presumed Location".
The Nav Map is
incorrect, and if you send your squadmates to the search
area, they will
stumble, literally, into a canyon filled to the brim with
pirates and
Hegemony troops. The canyon is the dark stripe. Keep squadmates
out of it.
While they move closer to the enemy and begin engaging
the base guard you
can run to the northwest and come at the canyon from the
side. Engage your
EM Dampener before you start moving. Using this trick,
you should be able
to get close enough to get ID lock on a building. As soon
as you get the
message from the pilot, order your squadmates to go to
the pickup. Then you
can head over and help them out.
Mission 11:
Move directly north to the mining platform as soon as
you drop. Stay on the
mine platform until you have eliminated the first two
waves of soldiers,
one from the northeast and one from straight east. Use
the Stay in Location
order to make sure your squadmates do the same. When the
enemies are gone,
take yourself and one squadmate down the road east to
take out the cannon,
keeping two squadmates on the mine platform. You must
reach the cannon
before it crests the small hill 140 meters east of the
mine platform. If
you reach the cannon sooner, which should not be difficult
if you don't
dawdle, take out all the troops surrounding it, but do
not destroy the
artillery piece itself. These troops will be labeled as
artillery squad,
and once they are dead, the cannon is no longer a threat.
Mission 12:
There is nothing you can do to prevent Gags from being
injured. You are not
penalized in any way for this mission. Head to the pickup
point when the
dropship pilot instructs you to do so. Press * to return
to the main menu
Mission 13:
As soon as you drop down, go straight in to the compound
and give Gags the
command to fix the telescope. When he's done, give your
entire squad the
Stay in Location command, and let the five groups of enemies
come to you.
The group coming from the southeast is the most dangerous,
since that is
the Hegemony demolitions squad. Don't get distracted if
another group
arrives while you're still fighting the demolitions squad.
Make sure all
Hegemony demolitions are dead before attacking a new group
of enemies.
Don't worry about giving your squadmates grenades, since
the telescope is
tough enough to survive the explosions.
Mission 14:
After the drop, head northwest, avoiding the road. Go
to a location about
100 meters south of the southeast platform. Snipe at the
fuel tanks with a
particle beam from the maximum distance possible. Proceed
clockwise around
the fuel tank platforms, staying at maximum particle beam
range, and
keeping your squadmates with you to deal with any enemies
that run up the
hills at you. When you have destroyed 16 of the fuel tanks,
head to the
pickup, staying far to the north of the platforms.
Mission 15:
Select a squad with at least one recon specialist, and
don't give any of
your squadmates grenade launchers. Your squadmates will
spot enemies
directly to the west as you land, but ignore them and
move south. Keep your
squad with you and move around in a clockwise direction,
moving south from
the drop, then west, then across the village. Starting
at the corner of the
map and moving around will lessen the chances of your
being flanked. Keep
your squad close, and the recon specialist will be especially
handy to
inform you of incoming enemies. Press * to return to the
main menu.
Mission 16:
To win this mission, move and move fast from the moment
you drop down. If
you can, take along weapon specialists in scout suits.
Don't give them
grenade launchers, since they might accidentally destroy
the trucks during
the fight. As soon as you drop, head south down the road
and try to get to
the trucks as fast as possible. Don't keep them in formation,
as they will
have to shoot around you at an already cluttered target.
Set them to
Aggressive Attack mode. After you have destroyed the guards
and the trucks
have turned around, be wary of a patrol which may hit
the pickup point just
as you return . They are not tough, but you need to be
careful or you'll
lose the trucks in the crossfire.
Mission 17:
As soon as you drop down, head south down the road. Kill
the pair of
fleeing enemy soldiers as quickly as possible, and take
the right fork in
the road, moving as fast as possible. If you can reach
the truck before it
gets to the hills to the south, there will be fewer enemies
to deal with.
Don't take any heavy suits, as they will guarantee that
the truck will
reach the hills, and the reinforcements there. Once you
have rescued the
truck and it has turned around, give two of your squadmates
orders to
follow the it. Take the third squadmate and head back
up the road ahead of
the truck, killing any enemies before they have a chance
to menace the
truck. Press * to return to the main menu.
Mission 18:
Take the Mine Layer as your ASF during Outfitting, and
take at least one
Particle Beam. When you drop, station your squadmates
at the pickup point,
or some other area about 300m from the scope. Give them
a Stay in Location
order, and then go looking for the bad guys. Watch out
for the heavy turret
on the near corner of the platform. It will start firing
missiles from long
range and you will need to keep moving to avoid them.
As soon as you are
spotted by the enemies, turn tail and lead them back to
your squadmates.
Drop mines if you've got them. Run behind your squadmates,
turn and take
the enemies on from behind your own lines. Rest, recharge
your armor, get
repairs if you need them, and go out again. There are
4 groups in the area
(besides those on the scope itself). Two of them may come
together to chase
you, so be ready. If the heavy turrets are posing too
much of a problem,
use your particle beam on them, as its range will let
you stand far enough
away to evade missiles while still killing the turret.
Do not attempt to
move straight to the scope, as you will be surrounded
on at least three
sides. Once you have disposed of the four moving patrols,
move to the
platform, take out the base guards and any remaining turrets,
and have your
demolitions expert destroy the telescope.
Mission 19:
The accident with the dropship is prescripted, and the
mission for which
you are briefed never happens. Also, during the escape
from the prison,
there is no way to prevent Schuyler's death. This is also
prescripted, and
you will not be penalized for it in any way.
The pickup point is 480 meters directly to the north
of where you start. As
soon as the mission begins, call for the dropship and
run as fast as you
can directly north. Do NOT stop to fight the prison guards.
Give your
squadmates continuous commands to go to the pickup point
using ALT-P, since
they may get drawn into combats. Press * to return to
the main menu.
Mission 20:
The keys to winning this mission are extreme stealth,
and shooting the
station from its unpatrolled west side. Despite the troop
depicted in the briefing, there are no patrols to the
west of the base. If
you take a scout suit, armed with a particle beam, EM
Emitters and an EM
Dampener, you should be able to sneak westward. Start
by moving south for a
few seconds, then go west until you pass the western edge
of the circle
marked Patrol Area on your map. Then move north until
you are due west of
the enclosure Change your view to the highest zoom level,
and move eastward
until you are within 180 meters of the sensor station.
Target lock on it,
and take it out with the particle beam. This will alert
the base sentries
and drones to your presence, but you are out of range
of the base turrets
and if you move south immediately, the guards will not
be able to catch you
in your scout suit. The drones will follow, but they can
be taken down
later, at a safe distance. Summon the dropship, head south
for a about 15
seconds and then cut across to the pickup point.
Mission 21:
Because this mission is an ambush, the best way to survive
is to forgo the
EM Emitters and Scout Suits, and load up with missile
launchers, particle
beams and grenades. Give some to your squadmates too.
After the drop head
cautiously north. As you crest the first hill, start to
be on the lookout
for enemies. As soon as you spot any of the forces to
the east or west, or
the PBAs to the north, open fire with the missile launcher
at the closest
group. Then, when you hear the ambush message, give the
squad a Go to
Pickup order and run for it. Using this technique will
get you out, with
your squad intact. Press * to return to the main menu.
Mission 22:
First, take a Mine Layer as your ASF. The downed ship
is located in a
valley about 150 meters north of the small lake, directly
on the search
area line. Get your squad to it as fast as you can, taking
out any the
drones you encounter on the way. When you get to the ship
place a ring of
mines around it at a distance about 50 meters. Deploy
each squadmate
separately to the north or south of the ship, but at least
25 meters away.
This will ensure that shots which miss them won't take
out the ship. Wait
for the enemies from this position, and give your squadmates
the "Stay At
Location command. There is one squad coming in from the
north, one from the
south, and one from south/southeast. Use missile launchers
and distance
weapons whenever possible. Do not let a firefight happen
within 30-50
meters of the ship, as the cross fire will kill the Clansman
as surely as
any deliberate enemy attack.
Mission 23:
Change your squadmates' ASF's to Auto-Docs, and make
sure each has at least
one missile launcher and one particle beam. Take these
weapons yourself as
well. After the drop, move west about 200 meters, then
head north and
approach the harvester from behind. Move in on it slowly.
The Hegemony
soldiers will come at you in small groups, and your squadmates
will finish
off most of them with missiles. When you are within about
150 meters of the
Harvester, give your squadmates a Stay-At-Location order,
move to the
Harvester and plant the charge. Turn around and run as
fast as you cam to
get out of the blast radius. Once the Harvester is destroyed,
head straight
to the pickup, remembering that there will probably be
one last group of
enemy soldiers waiting for you.
Mission 24:
Take the Personal Shield as your ASF. After you drop
down, go down the
ravine to the location marked "intercept point",
fire at one of the
soldiers, and then back off. Let the unknown aircraft
finish them off. Once
the ship has started bombing the enemy soldiers, continue
running down the
ravine, straight past the pickup point, to where the main
ravine turns
left. Don't stop to fire until you've gone around the
bend. Turn around and
activate your Personal Shield. Since the enemies' attention
will be on you,
they won't fire on the dropship when it arrives. Engage
the enemy until the
dropship lands, then sprint for it past the enemies and
tell it to open the
hatch from as far away as possible. Press * to return
to the main menu.
Mission 25:
First, equip your squadmates with missile launchers and
auto-docs. Upon
dropdown, order your squadmates to move directly to the
construction site.
While they approach from the west, take up a position
about 200 meters
south of the site. Also, launch a drone and send it a
spot about 150 meters
south of the pickup location. When your squadmates begin
to attack, some of
the guards will attempt to flee past you. Kill them before
they make it to
the large Hegemony patrol to the south. Then go in and
help your squadmates
finish off the construction site. If you don't receive
confirmation of
mission victory after the site is leveled, it means that
at least one guard
escaped, and that you'll have to fight the group of enemies
to the south.
Press * to return to the main menu.
Mission 26:
After you drop down, move immediately to the location
marked "pirate base"
on the map. Under no circumstances should you engage the
pirates in combat.
Stand inside the walled area between the two buildings
and activate the
descrambler. After about 25 seconds, the dropship pilot
will confirm the
identity of the traitor. As soon as that happens, sprint
for the pickup
point as fast as possible, and do not stop to fight the
pirates. Jump jet
as you go, to more easily avoid trees in your path. You'll
probably lose
about half of your hit points as you flee.
Mission 27:
Outfit your electronics specialist and yourself with
autoturrets. After the
drop, head west to the southwest corner of the outer wall,
and move to the
top of the hill there. Place 8 autoturrets , two at each
of the four
compass directions, just a few meters down from the top
of the hill. Move
your squad to the base of the that hill and give them
the Defend Position
order. Run and jump over the outer wall, and drop one
autoturret. Fire at
one of the enemies and get the group to chase you. Jump
back over the wall
to the hill, and let your squadmates and autoturrets kill
the enemy. Repeat
this process of luring enemy groups over the wall, until
either all the
enemy soldiers are dead, or until you are confident that
you can defeat the
remaining few in battle. Then take your squad into the
center of the base,
and tell your electronics expert to fire the cannon. Once
the cannon has
fired, have your demolitions expert destroy the cannon
and the control
station. Then call for the dropship and head for the pickup
Mission 28:
Make sure that you and all your squadmates have at least
one missile
launcher. After the drop, go southwest until the base
come into view down
below. Move your squadmates a little ways apart from one
another, but keep
them all up on the hill with you. Zoom your view in as
far as it will go,
and bombard the enemies down in the base with missiles.
Even if your
targeting box says the enemies are out of range, you should
still hit them
because of the difference in your elevations. Make sure
you get the two
medium tanks in this barrage. When there are no more enemies
in sight, head
down the hill with your squad and clean up the area.
Mission 29:
Make sure you take autoturrets as your ASF in this mission.
As soon as you
drop down, send all of your squadmates to a point about
75 meters south of
the base, right on the edge of the water. They will intercept
the pirates
coming up from the south. Then run as fast as you can
up the road to the
north. When drones come to pester you on the way, drop
two autoturrets, but
do NOT stop to fight them yourself. Once you get to the
intersection, turn
to the right, drop a line of autoturrets, and back away.
Let your
autoturrets kill most of the enemies, and pick off any
that make it past
the line. Once all those enemies are dead, escort the
trucks down to the
base, and help your squadmates kill any remaining enemies
Mission 30:
As soon as you drop, send your demolitions expert east
to blow up the
bridge. Then take the rest of your squad straight to the
landslide to take
out the Hegemony soldiers there. Keep and eye on your
demo expert on your
map, and have him detonate the bridge as soon as he's
ready. Once that's
done, give him the "Follow Me" command. After
the enemies at the landslide
are destroyed, give one of your squadmates the "follow
object" command with
one of the trucks as the object. Take the other two squadmates
east down
the road, and destroy the two smaller groups of enemy
PBA's which are
waiting in ambush.
Mission 31:
First, take as many weapons specialists as you can, since
there is no need
for any other specialty in this mission. Equip yourself
with the Personal
Shield as your ASF, a Missile Launcher, and a Particle
Beam. Equip your
squadmates with Autoturrets. After the drop, proceed straight
up the road
and take out the heavy tank with your missile launcher.
Do NOT immediately
go to the farmhouse. Instead, take a position to the south
and eliminate
all the enemy PBA's south of the farmhouse. Then order
your squadmates to a
point about 50 meters to the east of the farmhouse, and
give them the
Defend Position order. After the second wave of enemy
soldiers has been
destroyed, take your squad north into the orchard and
destroy the group of
enemies heading in through the trees. Be on the lookout
for the last
Hegemony Demolitions expert, who will be coming from the
Mission 32:
Take two demolitions specialists and an electronics specialist
on this
mission. Give your electronics specialist and one of the
demo specialists
the SIR-Mark Four, and give all of your squadmates the
Personal Shield ASF.
After the drop, move north and attack the guards around
the control
station. Send in your two squadmates with the SIR Mark
Fours, but keep the
other demolitions specialist away from the combat. After
that battle,
reprogram the station with your electronics specialist,
and have one of
your demo specialists set one charge on the building.
Don't detonate it
yet. Take your squad north, toward the pickup point. When
you encounter the
southern-most perimeter guard around the tower, give your
healthiest demo
specialist the command to destroy the Tower, using the
same colored fuse
that was used on the control station. Do NOT follow the
demo expert to the
tower. Instead, try to draw away enemy fire and provide
him with cover, so
that he can sneak in and set his charges. Once the charges
are set,
withdraw your squad to the pickup point, and detonate
the charges, which
will destroy both buildings. Call for the dropship, and
fight off any
enemies who may wander into you before it arrives.
Mission 33:
Equip yourself with an MB cannon, a particle beam, and
the Personal Shield.
After the drop, leave your squadmates at the drop point,
zoom in your view,
and move due north. When the two Mech Bipeds come into
view, use one MB
Cannon shell to destroy each Biped. Then head toward the
southern entrance
of the base, and take out as many of the enemies there
as possible from
long range, using your remaining MB shells and your particle
beam. Once
those enemies are destroyed, call your squad in and enter
the base. There
are a few enemies inside the base which you and your squad
can handle
without much difficulty. Once the area is clear of enemies,
have your demo
experts set charges on all four towers, and all on the
same colored fuse.
Don't set off any of the charges until all four of the
towers are wired.
Move back to the pick-up point, and detonate the charges
from there. Then
immediately call for the dropship.
Mission 34:
There is a more direct approach to destroying the domes,
which does not
involve demolitions or electronics experts. In the outfitting
screen, equip
yourself with two MB Cannons. Change all squadmates to
weapons experts, and
equip them with one MB cannon each. Give everyone the
Personal Shield.
After the drop, head west away from the base for about
150 meters, then go
due north, and then east, so that you are approaching
the cloning domes
from the north. Zoom in your view and get a good look
at the Domes from a
distance of about 240 meters. Bombard the domes from there
with your MB
Cannon -- 10 shells should be enough to destroy all three.
Make sure that
before you fire, you are target locked on a dome, and
that you are within
range. Once the vats are destroyed, call the dropship
and head for the
Mission 35:
Outfit yourself with 2 MB cannons. Take all weapons'
experts if possible,
and give everyone the Personal Shield, at least one MB
cannon, and at least
one beam weapon. As soon as you drop, activate your Personal
Shield and
charge down the hill to the road. Give your squadmates
the Aggressive
Attack command, and help them destroy the few clones on
the road. Then head
east, paralleling the road while staying south to keep
the high ground. As
soon as the trucks come into view, start blasting them
with your MB cannon.
Remember that you only have 10 shots, so always make sure
you're target
locked correctly, and aim at the frontmost of the trucks.
Once the trucks
and their guards are destroyed call the dropship, and
then go west as fast
as possible to meet it.
Mission 36:
Outfit yourself with 2 MB cannons, and give yourself
and your squadmates
the Personal Shield. As soon as you drop, move directly
for the ship, which
again is just to the northeast of the word "Area"
on your Nav Map. Activate
your Personal Shield and destroy the pair of clones that
will attack half
way between the drop and the downed ship, but don't waste
more than a few
MB shells. Save the rest for the group of tanks and clones
at the foot of
the cliff in front of the gully with the ship. Once at
the ship, tell your
electronics specialist to repair it, and then tell Brandt
to fly it out.
Brandt will may take a few seconds before he goes inside
the ship, but
he'll do it eventually, so don't panic.
Mission 37:
For this mission you get the game's final weapon, the
MB-Accelerator, and
it doesn't come a minute too soon. Equip yourself with
two of these
weapons, which will give 20 MB shells for the mission.
Select two weapons
specialists in addition to Brandt, and give them Personal
Shields and one
MB Accelerator each. Take a personal shield for yourself,
too. After you
drop, activate your shield, and head immediately to the
western entrance to
the base. Use your MB accelerators to destroy the tank,
clones, and heavy
turret as you go in. Cover Brandt with MB fire all the
way to fuel tank,
being careful not to damage him accidentally by firing
too close. More
enemies will be coming at you from the south and east
than from the north
and west, so set yourself up to that side while defending
Brandt. Once the
charge is set, order your squad to head to the pick up
and flee the station
as fast as possible. More and more clones are coming into
the station, so
don't bother staying and fighting. You may find it difficult
to jump jet
over the station walls in your heavy suit, so use the
actual entrance to
the station when escaping.