the elder scrolls 3: morrowind cheats



A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #


The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind cheats


the elder scrolls 3: morrowind cheats
Ingame just press '~' to bring console, write 'player-><command>'
and press 'Enter'. <command> is one of the listed below. There is
a lot of commands and the selected are most interesting.
Example of usage: 'player->AddItem "Gold_100" 12345'
will add 12345 of gold to player.
Command                    Effect
TMG                  God mode on/off
Help                 List of debugging commands (alike TMG) with
SetFlying 1          Allow to fly (0 - disables)
SetSuperJump 1             Allows super jump (0 - disables)
SetWaterWalking 1    Allows to walk on water (0 - disables)
SetWaterBreathing 1  Allow to breath under water (0 - disables)
SetLevel <level>     Sets player level to <level>
AddItem "Gold_100"   Adds <gold> amount of gold to player
SetFatigue <fatigue> Sets player maximal (and current) fatigue to
SetMagicka <magic>   Sets player maximal (and current) magic to
SetHealth <health>   Sets player maximal (and current) health to
The full list of debugging commands (shown with 'player->Help').
Format is <command>-<command description>:
ToggleScripts-toggle scripts
TestInteriorCells-start interior cell test
TestCells-start exterior cell test
FixMe-Fix Me
TFOW-toggle fog of war
MOTO-move one to one
TWF-toggle wireframe
TWA-toggle water
TVM-toggle vanity mode
TTS-toggle texture string
TST-toggle stats
TSO-toggle script output
TPG-toggle path grid display
TMS-toggle magic stats
TLF-toggle load fade
TKS-toggle kill stats
TGM-toggle god mode
TDT-toggle debug text
TDS-toggle dialog stats
TFH-toggle full help
TCS-toggle combat stats
TCL-toggle collision
TCG-toggle collision grid
TCB-toggle collision boxes
TAI-toggle AI
T3D-test models
SSG-show scene graph
SCT-stop cell test
ORI-output reference info
TW-toggle world
TS-toggle sky
TM-toggle menus
TL-toggle lights
TG-toggle grid
TB-toggle borders
SV-show variables
ST-show targets
SG-show group
SA-show animation
RA-reset actors
PT-purge textures

the elder scrolls 3: morrowind cheats end


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #