thief 2: the metal age cheats
Modify Starting Cash
You can edit the dark.cfg file and add the line "cash_bonus
n" N represents the amount of cash added to the beginning
of a mission.
Skip to Next Mission
Press [CTRL] + [ALT] + [SHIFT] + [END] to skip to the
next mission.
Increase Cash (Bug Exploitation)
Just before completing the mission, do a save or quicksave.
Complete the mission and save it in a different save slot.
Reload your last save or quicksave before completing the
mission. Complete the mission again. The statistics screen
should now have ADDED TOGETHER the loot from BOTH mission
completions. Apparently, the variable which stores treasure
amount at the end of the mission is not being cleared
between loads. You can keep doing this until you have
all the cash you need to buy out the store at the loadout
screen for the mission immediately following.
No Killing Rule
This involves editing the USER.cfg file, first make a
copy of the file, then add the following lines "cheats_active",
"nokillgoalcheat" this will alow you to win
with out worrying about the no killing rule in some missions.