tony hawk's pro skater 3 cheats
Enter the codes at the Options/Cheat menu, then
while playing, pause the game and go to the
cheats menu to activate them.
(The codes are case-sensitive)
Result Code
Master code - backdoor
Level select - roadtrip
All characters except Doom Guy - YOHOMIES
All created skaters - WeEatDirt
All decks - GiveMeSomeWood
All FMV sequences except
Gearbox Tribute - Peepshow
Doom Guy skater and Gearbox
Tribute FMV sequence - idkfa
Cheat menu:
play as usual then pause the game, hold fast spin left,
then press
up , grind without releasing the fast spin left button,
then go to
the menu, and select end run,
tony hawk's pro skater 3 cheats end