warcraft 3 cheats
During gameplay press ENTER to get the message box and
put in a code below (in bold) then press ENTER again to
fastbuild: WarpTen
fastdeath: IocainePowder
godmode: WhosYourDaddy
Gold: KeyserSoze [amount](i.e. 'keysersoze 50000'
will give you 50000 gold) Note - Default is 500.
Lumber: LeafItToMe [amount] Note - Default is
resource: GreedIsGood [amount] Note - Default
is 500.
food: PointBreak
mana: ThereIsNoSpoon
cooldown: TheDudeAbides
nodefeat: StrengthAndHonor
novictory: ItVexesMe
research: WhoIsJohnGalt
showmap: ISeeDeadPeople
techtree: Synergy
dawn: RiseAndShine
dusk: LightsOut
time of day: DaylightSavings [hour] (i.e. 'daylightsavings
12' will set time to 12 noon) Note - The cheat without
any numbers halts day/night progression as a toggle.
upgrade: SharpAndShiny
level jump: Motherland [race] [level] (i.e. 'motherland
human 04' will jump you to campaign level 3) Note - The
level number must include interludes. So, to get to Human
9, you must actually type 'motherland human 12' since
there are 3 interludes in that campaign.
defeat: SombodySetUpUsTheBomb
victory: AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs
Find the enemy with out cheating:
If you think you beat the level but it wont say it most
likely there is one more thing out there. if you press
Tab{on the key board}the map will turn black and the enemy
will turn their color. Therefore it will be easy to spot
the enemy.
warcraft 3 cheats end