ward walkthrough
You wake up after being attacked by aliens on the moon,
dizzy and confused, like i was. First thing first, you
have a necklace around your neck, which needs to be shut
down, or you wont be able to go much around anywhere,
so first thing first, get into the box to the lower right
corner and pick up the screwdriver. Then walk towards
the alien lying in the top left bed and pick up his med-card
in his pocket. Then walk out the door, towards the alien
on the floor and pick up the access card lying in front
of his face. You will be drawn back to the room because
of the necklace, so after that has been done, approach
the control switch to the left and use the access card
there, and you can start walking around freely.
As you will notice the same alien outside the room lying
on the floor has something on his arm but you cant take
it, that we will come back too. Pick up the gun next to
him. Move towards the open door straight ahead, and take
a closer look at the alien lying on the floor, pick up
his blue ring from his hand.
Go into the next room, and use the access card to open
it, to the right of the room there is a sensor, use the
med-card on the sensor, and the monitor to the furthest
most right, will lit up, go there and press the three
buttons from left to right, so you lower the knives. Walk
towards the device, and take one of the blades, then go
back and use the blade on the alien lying on the floor
and cut of his finger so you will get the ring. There
is a sensor and a screen all the way down to the right
also, but you wont be using that until you have acquired
the language implant so you can read it. There are some
cabinets just before the sensor to the right, with 3 blood
samples. Take them and approach the other room, which
has a microscope and pedestal with some live tissue lying
on there. Go to the microscope and take out the last blod
sample inside there. To open up the microscope you need
to align the circles so they match each other to one circle.
You do that by pressing the buttons on the microscope
it self, 2 buttons for each cicle, as described in the
manual. Once the sample is out, the microscope will shut
it self down, and you can take the top of the microscope
off, and bring it with you. Take the live tissue with
you aswell.
There should have been a power failure now, so the door
to the hallway should be opening and closing a little
bit, with the alien shooting towards a defense parameter
there. Approach the door to the left of the hallway.and
watch the console.
It will complain about being to dark, so you use the
device you picked up from the microscope to put some light
on it. After you try the right sensor wont work, so you
have to use the screwdriver on the panel above the sensors,
and fix the right one, after that you try with the 3 rings
you already have, after one try the alien in front of
you will throw you the last and missing ring, the red
ring, which is what you need to pass the door.
Use the rings on the panel, with green ring on the left
sensor, the red ring on the mid sensor, and the blue ring
on the right sensor, which should open the door, I have
experienced some times that the sequence changes from
time to time, in any case, note down the sequence, you
will need it. Immediately after you have entered the room,
shut the door, just press the switch to the left of the
door, or a security drone will capture you and you will
Ignore the console with the ring slot for a moment still,
as you need the language implant first, go towards the
table in the middle press the button, and pick up the
memorizer. And put it into your inventory.
And onto the next room, there is a big symbol with alien
writing there, could be interesting reading but of no
importance, after you receive the translation implant.
Head to the door on the left and approach the long hallway,
and walk towards the end, to enter a big room.
There is a floating stone in the center of it, press
it and a plate with symbols will appear afterwards, press
it again, and you will take the plate. A new plate will
appear, and you press that one as well. Some lights and
show starts and some tiles in the center of the big circle
will appear, press it and the tiles goes into your inventory.
Look at the symbols on the floor; take a closer look
at the plate with symbols, as they will give you a hint
on what to do with the puzzle. Use the tiles on the circles
on the floor, and start figuring it out, or if you are
in the easy mode, press skip puzzle and watch the nice
cut scene.
After the cut scene you will talk to some aliens and
get some information, and you will given a secret sign
and ammunition for the implant gun. Then you must hurry
back to the door before the security drones approaches
you and kill you. Use the same three rings on the panel
when you approach the door, in the same order, and be
quick as you will only be given one try, and shut the
door once you enter, or the security drone will follow
you in and kill you.
Back in the room, you can now read all the alien language,
so read around if you want to, but you dont have
to. Go into the large room to the right, and approach
the console to the right, use any ring to get security
clearance to use it, use the life support function on
the top, and you will se a lot of red lines and some circles,
which are force fields. You can press them on and off.
Red is on, blue is off, play with it a little to see how
those yellow drones in the ventilation corridors are locked
in where you want them to, as it is vital once you are
going to enter the ventilation shaft..
As you can see there are 6 force fields, and 2 maintenance
robots on the map, 2 of the force fields you dont
have access to, and you never have to, so ignore them.
1 robot is to the right and not moving, the other robot
is circling sector 101. Have the moving robot go to checkpoint
exchange 2, as there is where you will go in a little
Once the force fields are on, the drones cant pass them,
so you have to make sure you are in control of them so
they dont get access to your room, and kill you.
If you lower the force field that goes into to your room,
and the crate is open, they will come inside the room.
Use the gun load on the uncharged gun, and use the gun
on the grate. Watch the cut scene. Once you enter the
crate, go up and to the right first to the robot which
is not moving. Use the blade on the robot hand to the
left. And use the memorizer to connect to the robot, so
you can get sector 102 and sector 103 codes from it.
How to use the memorizer is simple, scroll down to comm.link
with main.robot, and press receive on sector 102 and 103,
then abort comm.link and move backwards to the crossover,
and go to the left. There is a special crate there, so
use the robot hand on the screw to the top right and left,
then press the handle.
There you enter the hallway just outside the room you
woke up in, and there you will go first, to go into the
room, and get to the sphere that was there, and use the
memorizer on it. Get the security level 6 clearance code
from it. Time to move back to the lab where you got the
blade. Go the console all the way down to the right, and
use the med-card on it. Go into the obductees menu, and
the security beacon/necklace removal, then go towards
the robot arm, the one with the red light on itself, and
the necklace will be removed on it, then do the same procedure
with communication implant. There are others as well,
but I haven't notice any particularly usage of them yet.
So as far as i know, they are not needed. Pick up a blood
sample from the cabinet, you dont need all 3 of
them. Only the nr 1 and 3 contains human dna, so those
are the only one needed.
Time to go back once again. As Im sure you remember
the way back to the console with the force fields, and
stuff. So backtrack all the way until you get there again.
Time to play with the force fields again, so shut them
off somewhere else so you can get to the robot at checkpoint
exchange 2. Then enter the ventilation corridors again,
and go to the left at the crossover. Use the memorizer
on the robot. Open a comm.link to the robot, and transmit
the sector 102, and 103 to the robot, you should get a
"transmit CRC ok" on the memorizer. After that
is done, put the necklace on the robot.
Then backtrack to the room where the console is again
for another round of play with the force fields., and
send the robot to sector 103, and watch all the security
drones go away, so you can finally go out the door again.
Go into the micro-lab and put the light back on the microscope,
insert blood sample #3 into the microscope, and the live
tissue on the pedestal, then use the touch screen and
press the button to the right, so it inserts the human
dna into the live tissue.
Pick up the live tissue, insert the cone into the biocontainer,
and use the memorizer on the biocontainer, you should
see the code 0000000000 so press to receive it., then
abort the com.link and scramble the 00000 code to something
that you will remember. After it has been scrambled open
a com.link to the bio container and press the transmit
button, scroll down to the scrambled code and press transmit
again, the code should now have changed. Abort the com.link
and press the scrambled code into the air, there should
be a cut scene now and the biocontainer should be inside
Go out the door to the hallway where the shooting was,
and go straight forward and you enter a landing bay. Once
inside the door open the memorizer from the inventory
and transmit security level code 6 into the air, so the
spehere wont kill you. Pick up the oxygen tank and the
The tricky part, and dont go ahead to fast here,
as you need to have done all this or you will be dead.
Open a com.link to the container with the memorizer and
receive the code of the container, this allow you to open
and close the container doors, no need to change them
or anything.
Now the important part, before you enter the container
open the memorizer again, and make sure the code of the
biocontainer there is not the same code as the on you
used to put the biocontainer inside of you, what I did,
was that I scrambled the code to wgs4
.. on the biocontainer
which is the one I use to get it inside me, then unscramble
the code back so it shows 00000 on the memorizer, makes
it easy to figure out which line it is that belongs to
the biocontainer.
Now you can enter the container, shut the doors with
the memorizer, then combine the mask with the oxygen tank,
sit back and relax, enjoy the cut scene and get cd2 ready.
First person you meet is ripper that will pick you up
on the outside of the human colony, you will get multiple
choice questions/answers throughout this part of the game,
but better have a nice tone of voice, and dont talk
to much about the things you learned back at the moon
base. Follow the scene all along with a nice tone, and
then ripper will take you to the Brazilian in the bathroom
or whatever it should be called. Talk nice to him or you
wont get any answers out of him. After you are done talking
to him, just walk around a little bit and familiarize
yourself with the surroundings until the bell rings, and
you will go to the mass.
During the mass, Jessica tells you she wants to talk
to you after the mass, so that kind of gets things started,
so when the mass is done, and ripper have kicked your
ass a little bit, track down Jessica, the girl in the
black skirt and top. You can find her in the mass hall,
be nice to her, and she'll start talking. She will tell
you more in the gambling room, but if you just go there,
she wont show, so you have to go outside in the big open
place, and ask her again, and then she will meet you in
the gambling room. After you're done talking with Jessica,
start talking with the other people, and get to know them
a little bit.
Just remember dont show them any objects just talk
to them and learn more about the place. You can also find
Rita inside the door to the left, and talk to her a bit,
and she can read her tarot cards for you. There is a cabinet
in the room as well, but cant do anything about it until
you are in the room alone, so ignore it for now.
After you go back in the room, have a little black jack
with the gambler, just make sure you dont loose
too much there, but you need both his personal card, and
pager's half of a card, to get anywhere, so anything like
your watch or his silver dollar is what he can end up
with. The rocket module, screwdriver and other stuff are
something that you need for the future. After you have
won the pager's card, go into Rita's room and talk to
her about it. You can talk about anything to anyone, just
dont show them any objects. Do a little walking
around, and talk to people, and eventually you will find
Jessica outside on the big open place, and she will tell
you to wait for her in the gambling room, so you walk
back there, and she will join you shortly, and you can
have a long conversation
Just walk around and talk to people, sound you find out
some new stuff from one guy, and you end up asking all
around for the new thing you discovered. Eventually after
you have finished talking to the others, you end up in
the mass hall, and find the preacher and Jessica there,
and you start talking to the preacher. He will send you
a message later on. Soon after that, Ripper shows up again,
and Marshall wants you again. After you are done with
the talk with Marshall, go out on the big opening, and
you will be told that the preacher is waiting for you
in his room. His room is to the far left side, next to
the entrance to the mass hall. Then its time to go around
again and talk to people. The doctor, and Rita in her
room. Eventually after a little while, Rita leaves her
room, without locking it, so finally some action. Go inside
her room, and pick up the tarot cards, the cards holds
the solution to the cabinet in her room, so you can either
try and solve it or in easy mode, skip puzzle. Once the
puzzle has been solved, the doors open, and you can push
aside the books on the lower shelf. There is a sensor
there, so use the tarot card (king of pentacles card)
to open it, and wee, a secret door opens. So go, hurry,
before the door closes.
Go the room to the left, and pick up the notebook on
the table there, then go back and enter the door straight
ahead. In the next room, there is a book standing on top
of a crate, behind you will find a sensor, but dont
bother opening it, as you need pager's card to do so.
Now it's time to go back and confront Rita with the secret
room. But first you have to save Jane from ripper in the
gambling room, which will leave to future events to happen.
Go talk to hacker and figure out some more stuff, after
that confront Rita. When you are done, go talk to Jessica,
and find out more about the place. Outside the gambling
room Jake has a message for you from Rosa, who is waiting
in the mass room, go there. She will thank you for saving
her and give you a piece of paper that you will take to
the gamblers bedroom, which is the one next to yours.
There you will use the piece of paper as clue to the puzzle
of opening his cabinet or skip the puzzle in easy mode.
In the cabinet to the right, you will find the other half
of pager's card. Next stop is hacker. You will give him
the to half pieces, and he will fix it for you. Time to
talk to Sebastian, you will find him in the open place,
and he will tell you to go to the toilets, once you get
inside there, someone has a message from you, where you
are to meet the preacher in his room. First talk to Sebastian,
and learn new things, then go to the preachers room.
An attempt to kill you, as the door shut and the air
goes away. First go to the picture, find the hidden switch
to the center right of the picture, use the screwdriver
to open the pad on the top, connect the wires in X shape,
open the fuse cap, and replace the fuse with the C.B.S
rocket module, and ring the bells. Then follow the scene
as it goes, and talk to Jessica after the doc and the
preacher leaves the room. After you have finished talking
to Jessica, professor Webber, the doctor, outside the
gambling room, hacker shows up and give you pager's card.
As Jake told you, you shouldn't go into the gambling room
as ripper is there, nor will the game let you go in. So
talk to all the people you can, and go back to the preachers
room, using pager's card and ring the bells. Go back outside,
and the preacher is there, and you will ask him to cover
for you, while you go back to the gambling room, and enter
the secret room. From now on you can use pager's card
for every door. Use pager's card on the sensor in the
cabinet to open the secret door, go straight, and use
pager's card on the sensor behind the book that you found
In the last room, you will find a notebook. Browse through
the notebook, and go back to the front cover, you will
find some star maps; use the notebook in your inventory
on the star maps on the brown page, so you make a copy
of it. After you have done that, Jessica will show up,
and you will talk to her and the preacher.
You will enter the ventilation shaft with Jessica, and
end up in a big room, with a sensor where you can use
pager's card again. Open the door, and enter the big hall,
go to the entrance to the left. By the walls almost to
the end, there is a sensor there, use pager's card on
the sensor, then walk straight through the wall, and watch
the cut scene.
Follow the shiny light through the door, and there you
will meet some of the grey's, and you will walk into a
chamber where you will talk to them. After some talking,
some shooting, and a cut scene you will be taken back
to the human colony, and talk to the preacher, which tells
you to mingle a bit, so go around and talk to people so
that they know you are still there. After you have talked
to them all, go back into the secret room, and talk to
Rita, there you will find out that there is a bridge controller
somewhere in the colony. Once you leave the gambling room,
ripper comes up to you and you will be taken to the Brazilian
room, and find ripper, with Marshall and Jessica with
a necklace around herself. After you have killed Ripper,
pick up his freezer, and his pager, and then talk to Jessica,
which will tell you to go and get help. Run back to the
gambling room, and get hold of Hacker.
He will tell you to get the decoder from Marshalls
room, so right outside the gambling room, use the pager,
and press the long red button to the left, you will position
yourself in a good ambush place, and get out your freezer.
Marshall will appear with the door in front of you, and
use the freezer on him. Once he is down, approach him
and remove his freezer, and pick us his card and a piece
of paper from his left inner and right pocket. Go to Marshalls
Slash will open the door for you so you can go inside.
The safe is in the right corner, use the piece of paper
to help you solve the puzzle or skip the puzzle in easy
mode. Inside the safe you will find the card-reader. Use
the freezer on the map, and pick up the implant gun behind
it. Then hurry back to slash's room, use Marshall's card
to get into the room, and give the card-reader to hacker.
After hacker and Jessica throw ripper into the fissure,
the controllers turn the bridge on and come after them,
which is your cue. Insert Marshalls card into the
data-reader and turn the bridge on, go over the bridge,
and turn the bridge off before you enter the control room,
or they will discover you.
Open the cabinet to the right with pagers card. Take
the memorizer and some control implants for the gun, do
not go outside until the speeder has left with the controllers.
Any sooner and you will be discovered. When you go out
again, make sure you turn the bridge off when you're done.
After you have gone inside again, and towards Marshall's
office, you will talk to slash, and he will tell you the
preacher is out cold and paralyzed, but said the words
"PICTURE, DOUBLE-T, 5" so go to preachers room.
On the top center of the picture, you will find an ornament,
which will give you the keyword to preachers locker.
Inside the preachers locker, you will find a fake bible,
ignore the code reader, you already have one, and his
card, which is in between some books. Just keep pressing
along those lines until you get it. Trust me its
Go back to the preacher, insert the preachers card into
the card-reader and transmit the code that starts with
tt5 into the air. A light will shine up from his hand,
which is a psi-comm, if you start it, you will talk to
the same grey that rescued you earlier, and you will eventually
tell him that you are missing something. What you are
missing is some tiles, which you can get from your room.
Now go back to your oom, and use the code which you copied
from the notebook in the secret room, or skip the puzzle
in easy mode. As the story goes, you will find Rita in
the secret room, but before you go in there, take out
the memorizer from your inventory, scramble/unscramble
the code so you can get the biocontainer out of you. As
she will decipher the text from the crystal, she will
tell you to go talk to Webber.
After he is done with the surgery you have 3 minutes
to get rid of the implant, so load it into the implant
gun, and go back to the preacher and fire the gun at him.
Then go back to the secret room, and Rita will take the
cone of the biocontainer. Go to the notebook, and look
at her drawing. Take out the tiles from the inventory
and put them on the notebook, then insert the tiles so
they match up the drawing Rita made, and put the cone
on the circle on the tiles. An object will appear. Now
open the psi-conn and talk to the grey once again.
After passing through the ventilation shaft once again,
you end up talking to the grey, and he will give you a
special implant, and a holomask Use the holomask and set
it to Reptiod Maintenance, and enter the big hall, from
there you go straight to the top of the hall.
Go up the stairs and watch as they talk away, once they
leave, input the control implant into the gun, and fire
it at the grey that is left there standing.. Talk to the
grey. After you are done talking, turn off the holomask.
Now take the special implant, put it in the implant gun,
and fire it into the biocontainer. Use the memorizer to
put the biocontainer inside of you, and scramble the code
again on the memorizer, so the actual code you use wont
be listed there. Then talk to the grey again, and off
you go, so relax and watch the cut scene, as now you are
finished with the human colony, and going aboard the alien
Some cut scene action, and you end up in the cargo-bay,
in this section you will control both walker and bloom,
but for the most, you will control bloom at this level.
Talk to walker, and say "Bloom you need to do something
for me" and you will have control of bloom. There
is a kinda circle thing next to the Apollo symbol witch
you can use to switch between them. Take bloom to the
console, and look at all the rooms in all 3 levels. After
you have looked over them you can go back and talk to
walker, and he will ask you about all those rooms. If
you need the information again, just repeat the procedure.
Use blooms memorizer to make a com.link to the container
and get the code for it, nothing more you need it for
now. Go to the door, and use the card in bloom's inventory
and open the door. The first door to the right is the
storage room, where you will enter, and pick up a few
stuff. The things you need is a wire cutter, a communicator,
and a maintenance key. Now you go out to the corridor,
and towards you. Enter the elevator, press level C, and
go to your cryo-booth to the left. Open the panel on the
left side; look at the slots where the wires are connected
beneath the full gas tank. So now you have to go back
up to the storage, and collect some Y-microjacks that
you need to use, as it wouldn't let you pick them before,
as you had no usage of them.
Go back downstairs and take the empty gas tank that are
in the slots, and go to the panel again. Disconnect the
2 wires, and place the y-jack in the slot to the left.
Put both wires into there. Then insert the empty gas tank,
and close the panel, you're all done there. Remember to
take with you the full gas tank.
Now go back up to the cargo-bay, and talk to walker,
dont press on any words, but open your inventory
with the spacebar, and then you will see the options "Give
item to walker". Give him one of each, one wire cutter,
one maintenance key, one communicator, the key-card, and
the memorizer, and the full gas tank.
Talk to bloom and call for hybernation sequence to occur.
After it is done, take walker to the door, open it, switch
to bloom, and let bloom process to the hybernation chamber.
Once in the hybernation chamber, go to your cryo-booth,
set the screen for sphereblend, and lie in booth. Switch
back to Walker.
Have walker set the full gas tank behind the crates in
the container, use the memorizer, and take the biocontainer
out of you, once that is the done, the clock will start
ticking. Open the valve on the gas tank, and shut the
container door. Then run for the door, use the key-card
and head for the elevator, take the elevator to level
E, and head for the security room Watch the cut scene.
Once inside the security room, go to the console, and
answer "Deny" to the request of awaking the
other crewmembers. Switch back to bloom.
Take bloom to the elevator, and press the wait button,
switch back to walker and approve of bloom's request to
use the elevator. Remember, the alien outside on your
level is also requesting, so make sure he is deny every
usage of it. Take bloom to the cargo-bay, get the key-card
from the dead alien there. And head back to the life support
Abort the 1G maintenance, it ask for authorization, switch
back to Walker, and authorize. Use the maintenance key,
and open the panel below. Cut all red and blue wires to
the life-support-system. The display should show a lot
of failures now. Start the gravity generator sequence
again, and set it to 10 minutes or something, and duration
until we arrive at draco system. Switch back to walker
to authorize the maneuver.
Once that is done, go back downstairs to the hybernation
chamber with bloom, and open the screen, and set to Hybernation
instead of sphereblend. Switch back to walker, and you
will receive a hybernation request from booth #9. Once
that is approved, go into the virifaxes, and hybernation
yourself. Set the hybernation for 1 hour or something.
Watch the cut scene and the alien die. After the cut scene
is over, go to the console and disengage the security
lock, head out to the elevator and down to level D, go
to the main computer room, and talk to the diamond light
there, and watch the cut scene.
End of the alien ship.
Walk as usual there isn't any options there, so walk and
walk and walk, until you have taken the elevator. Once
inside, go towards the portal, and into the flow that
opens in front of you.
Next you will be faced with some crystals. I found no
specific order of which to press them, I did wildly guessed
around for a couple of minutes and got to the ending cut
scene. My guess is that you have to keep pressing the
crystals until they are all lit up.
So sit back and relax enjoy the ending cut scene, and
the ending credits.. Congrats, you have completed the
ward walkthrough end