wingstar cheats
This is a cool shooting game that features 3D ground
graphic. But it's real hard for only having 4 lives! So
I finally figure out the way to cheat it.
Type wingstar ABRACAX [Parameters]
Where Parameters is:
f = fastmode, 2 = 35Hz, 1 = 70Hz, r = raster on, t = frametime
info m = memory use, s = sound off, h = halted (stepmode),
d = demorecordAC g = no shadows, p = no projections, k
= bios keyboard, v = timerstats l = no launchseq, u =
unhittable, x = show demo
It MAY be only the first parameter works! I'm not sure.
Also try the higher difficulty as it allow you to play
more levels. Hope you enjoy the game with the cheat!