wizards & warriors cheats
Unlimited Starting Gold
When you are in the town inn and create a party, you can
pool gold to one of the characters who will then have
1200 gold pieces. It is important that you do not take
this "Pooled Gold" character out of the party.
It should always say "Out on Adventure" for
that character. When you re-add the newly created characters
to the party, you will discover that they all have 200
gold pieces again! Pool Gold on the same character that
you pooled gold on before. Another 1000 gold pieces. Remove
then re-add. Pool Gold. +1000! Repeat as necessary.
Alternate Method
After a little game play you should have a little bit
of money. Pool this money onto one character and take
him/her into the Inn and remove him from the party. Then
add him back and pool the gold onto your main character
and remove the same character again. You can do this for
a little while say up to 50,000 or 100,000 gold pieces.
I suggest at this amount take your full party outside
and go to the armory and give the gold back to the same
character as before. Then take your party back into the
Inn and remove him again, then add him back and pool gold
again this time it will increase by 50,000 or 100,000
each time instead of 1200 at a time.
Maxing Guild Rank
To easily max your guild rank in any guild you are currently
a member of follow these steps: Complete a quest for the
guild you want to raise your rank in. When you return
to your guild to get your reward and the guild master
begins to talk to you quickly click back and forth between
the character who completed the quest and any other character.
By doing this you can get the guild master to initiate
the 'reward' dialog with your character multiple times
before the game actually thinks you have recieved your
'reward' and so you can get multiple guild advancements,
gold rewards, and experience rewards for the same quest
this way. You can also do this with multiple characters
at the same time to raise multiple characters rank at
once. When you do this be prepared to wait, dont leave
the guild until the guild master has stoped speaking.