grandia 2 cheats



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Grandia 2 cheats


grandia 2 cheats

Hex cheats:

65535 Gold:
At offset 0000 0040, change the current value (ex: 0C23) to FFFF

65535 Special coins:
At offset 0000 0044, change the current value (ex: 0C23) to FFFF

65535 Magic coins:
At offset 0000 0048, change the current value (ex: 0C23) to FFFF

You can try putting higher values by changing the next offsets,
but the game has a limit and will put 1 if you go over it.
Still, these numbers should be enough for a while and once you
need more, just repeat.

These will enhance the game & movies.
Just press the appropriate buttons below:
F5 - removes awfully looking shadows
F9 - skips movies
12 - exits game during gameplay. If press twice,
will exit to windows

For Enhanced movie viewing & viewing ALL movies:

Put cd 2 in CD drive open the VISUAL directory.
Inside there are 24 clips (from begining to ending
movie). You can play these clips with the Windows
Media Player or any movie player that plays & uses
the extention name. You can also minimize or enlarge
it or maybe experiment with it.

grandia 2 cheats end


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