rise and rule of ancient empires cheats



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Rise and rule of Ancient Empires cheats


rise and rule of ancient empires cheats

You don't need to keep a large standing army around your empire, especially in the early stages of the game. Cities have a defense value even when there are no military units stationed in them. Even if an opponent gets lucky and blunders across one of your cities with an exploring unit, he probably won't be able to take your city...and even if he gets lucky and takes your city, your people's affinity for you will likely return control to you on the next turn.

I don't even think about raising an army until I have located at least one opponent. Instead, concentrate on building the improvements that allow you to build more advanced units. Military units are cheap, and you can raise a respectable army in 2 or 3 turns if you've built the infrastructure first.

If you should discover an opposing civilization before it finds you, send a small to
medium-sized force to threaten at least one city. Approach it from a direction other than directly toward your own civilization. The idea here is to panic the other player into raising an early army of weak units, and to mislead him as to the direction of your own cities, while you continue to advance your infrastructure.

It's also a good idea to station some pickets near your enemy, as far from your own cities as possible, to keep his explorers away.

Don't waste time or resources on internal trade. External trade will help with conquest of opponents' cities, but as a practical matter the AI opponents will rarely maintain peace long enough for you to trade effectively. Merchants are a valuable unit in head-to-head play, but have minimal impact on a solo game.


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